
These guys are furthest from home this year. I hope. I didnt fact check that. Too busy really. But 8MM has always had a deep connection with Melbourne, and not just because of Nick Cave, who spoke to me in a dream once. The Devastation and HTRK were part of our early DNA (here’s to you Sean), and I was delighted when I first came across Exek. I think if you like the Oscillation, and I love them, this will be right up your alley. If you dont trust me then at least listen to John Dwyer. He signed them to his Castle Face record label.

“Beyond what we already know about the Australian music scene, there are plenty of diamonds in the rough. Arguably, some of the groups that would qualify for this kind of description are some of the most rewarding sound manufacturers of the current moment. None better than Melbourne’s Exek, who have released two sonically different yet synonymously enthralling records this year.

“Ahead of Two Thoughts” and “A Casual Assembly” are two projects that appear so foreign on the surface, though, make complete sense based on the wholly different and enthusiastic approach to music that Exek procure through every track. The anxious slew of spoken word on “A Casual Assembly” is eerily captivating in partnership with the intricate drone of sound in the background of every tune. Conjuring the feeling of a soundtrack to a melancholic storybook. “Ahead of Two Thoughts” is a separate kind of beast. Filled with groovy, gummy basslines that wooz you into a haze of movement. There is an expert kind of musicianship involved when a song makes you want to dance, yet makes you feel isolated at the same moment in time. Exek have succeeded in bringing such emotional conflictions into the totality of their sound… and are truly making it their own.”

Maxwell Denari, Reflektor Mag

Exek - Advertise Here Full Album


Gwen Dolyn & Toyboys


Gloria de Oliveira