“[...] You could already feel the festival’s potential to continue becoming

something bigger in coming years. Always well-curated, it seemed particularly

evident this year that Synästhesie is adept at bringing together different voices

and cultures all within a loosely-connected type of music. And at the same

time, you never forgot you were attending a festival in the heart of Berlin. It

pulled off a tricky feat, becoming a festival that was unmistakably local even

as it welcomed in all these disparate voices."

- Stereogum

"Da ist es wieder: Das Angebot des Synästhesie Festivals komplett in eine

andere Realität abzutauchen, fast so, als wäre diese je nach Standpunkt

wandelbar. Eine fast heilsame Erkenntnis."

- Visions

“Das Synästhesie Festival hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem der best-

kuratiertesten Festivals der Stadt gemausert, das immer wieder

Genregrenzen verschiebt und neu definiert.”

- FluxFM

“Bei dem Festival und der Bandauswahl ist eine tiefe Verbundenheit zur

globalen DIY-Musikszene und ihren Protagonisten die Klammer die die

unterschiedlichen Arten/Sparten zusammen bringt.”

- Herzmukke

The Synästhesie Festival is part of a music tradition rooted in East Berlin and centered around the internationally acclaimed 8MM Bar, where some of Germany's most respected independent musicians got their start.

The festival is as much about the audience as it is about the program. The two interact seamlessly. It's said that half the audience look like they're in a band, and the bands mingle with the audience. Young and mature audiences alike revel in a shared aesthetic that puts creativity, design and the art of performance front and center.


Each festival offers new, unique challenges and we are proud of our 8 festivals so far, surviving the pandemic, a glimmer of hope for the scene in 2020 with the Covid shows for 100 guests and a miracle festival in 2021, as well as a perfect festival without any funding in 2023. Unfortunately, we did not manage to get public funding in 2024 and we had to realize that we were not able to put on a festival that both the audience and ourselves would have expected.

The festival organizers instead teamed up with 8MM Bar, Watt and Roadrunners to bring a smaller, but no less mind-blowing program to the neighborhood along with their hotel partners and arts patrons, the unique Myers Hotel. This intimate mini-DIY fest will take place on 3 blocks around Senefelder Platz, where Berlin's art rock scene began in 2002 at 8MM.




Limited to 300 Tickets

8MM Musik Night - Opening Night:

Fri. 08.11.24

Federale - 15€

(tickets available 01.09.24)

8MM Musik Night - A Night Of Synästhesie:

Sat. 09.11.24

Tempers, Dummy, Kumo 99, Kara Delik,

Die Anstalt - 35€*

*not including ticket fees